Flash fiction: A medieval adventure
by Donald Hancock
He was a neat looking guy, just a little "nerdy" but with a cute smile. Doris met him in the library at the University. She was a senior in high school and thus somewhat impressed by University men. They happened to be sitting at the same study table and she noticed that he had a book called, "Horses and Kings". He saw her looking at the title and smiled."I'm sorry. I guess you noticed me staring at your book title. I didn't mean to be rude, but it is a strange title."
"It does sound strange but actually it is very interesting. It is well researched and it goes into detail about the influence that horses have had in the lives and fortunes of kings and nations Mainly about Medieval times."
"How interesting. I have always enjoyed reading about the Middle ages, Royal courts and that sort of thing!"
"Then are you familiar with the S.C.A.?"
"No. What is that?"
" It stands for 'Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.' It fosters study of what you said earlier - Middle Ages, Royal Courts, Jousts, etc. Our group is having a tournament here at the University this week end. Would you be interested in coming?"
"Why yes, I would!. When is it?"
"It is all day Saturday and it begins at 10:00 in the morning. Could I pick you up?"
"Sure, what should I wear?"
"Just a regular long 'Prom' dress. By the way I'm John Bowers and your name?"
"I'm Doris Setzer and I live at 2545 Oak St. You'll have to meet my parents! Rules, you know!"
"I will be delighted! I'll be there at 9:15."
John showed up wearing a knight's costume. When they arrived at the Tournament, there was a Fanfare played by 4 traditional horns. They were both escorted by a special entourage to the center stage where they were seated on two elaborate thrones. A herald read the proclamation, which ended..."Here today to witness the crowning of Sir John the Tall and his Lady Doris as King John and Queen Doris of our Tournament of Champions!"
Doris was impressed to say the least!
And Lady Doris and John the Tall "lived happily ever after!"
Oh, how cute!