Friday, October 7, 2011

Novel excerpts: Falling in love

by Donald Hancock

Music To His Ears

Marcus Alexander IV was the son of a prominent lawyer in L.A. But he was not the kind of guy who liked the social whirl. He determined at an early age that he just wanted to be called Mark.
Mark had always liked music and was in the school band from the seventh grade on through high school. He had no ambition to be a lawyer like his father. All he ever desired to be was a high school band director. He got a B.S. in music and band instruments at UCLA and stayed on for a Masters Degree in Band Music.

Now he was ready to apply for a job in his field. He sent out several resumes but the only one that had gotten any results so far was Paramount High. He had a call and scheduled a time to talk with the Principal.
He was on time for the meeting and was called into the Principal's office. He could not believe what he saw. Miss Sandra Williamson was the prettiest girl that he had ever seen. He had been too involved with school to take any time for girls. But as he looked at Miss Williamson he had a very unusual experience. He had always laughed when someone spoke of "love at first sight". But now he was beginning to wonder if such a thing might be happening to him. He found it very hard to think clearly and he could not take his eyes off of this girl! He was being intoxicated by the sight, the scent, and the sound of Sandra Williamson.

When he got a second call from Paramount High School, he was excited but had mixed emotions. He was so glad to see her again, but the possibility of his being given the job loomed as a distinct problem in his mind. When the secretary told Mark that he could go into Miss Williamson's office, he tried to remember all of the things that you are supposed to do at the interview - smile, take a deep breath, listen fully to the interviewer, etc.
Sandra Williamson was probably the youngest high school principal in the L.A. school system. She had showed such promise during her first several years of teaching that she had impressed everyone. Now she was beginning her prepared speech with Mark. "Mr. Alexander, I have looked over your resume and have also checked your references. I am very impressed with what I see and I am ready to offer you the position of Band Director beginning this coming school term, beginning in just two weeks. How does that sound to you?"

Mark paused a long time and then stammered when he tried to speak. Finally he got his tongue under control enough to deliver the following somewhat awkward speech. "Miss Williamson, I don't know any way to say this except to tell you the truth and then hope that you will not think that I am out of my mind. First of all, I am very honored that you feel that I would be a good fit as Band Director at Paramount High. I want the job with all my heart. And now you might think that I am crazy for sharing this with you after being with you only twice, but I have never been attracted to a girl the way I have with you. I have never seen a girl that I felt that I would want to get to know better and perhaps develop a serious relationship with.
Sandra was taken aback and must have shown it in her face.

"I guess I have already said too much, but it all ties in with what I am going to say next. Or maybe I should just stop..., I'm sorry..."
"No, please go on Mr. Alexander. I do not see any problem in what you have said so far. I feel complimented and I am impressed with your refreshing transparency!"
"Well, I have heard so much about corporate rules about people working in the same work place not being allowed to date each other. If there is any chance in the world that you might share an interest in exploring a mutual relationship, and if that were to be strictly ruled out by my accepting this position, then I must respectfully decline your invitation and seek a position elsewhere."

"Do I understand you correctly, Mr. Alexander - you would turn down the position if it meant that you could not ask me out in the future? You would do that?"
"That is exactly what I am saying, Miss Williamson. I am not trying to extract any guarantees from you. I just do not want to burn any bridges before I even start. I just need to know if the possibility of our finding a mutual relationship would be ruled out by rules either of the school or of the board of education."

"Well, Mr. Alexander, I have three things to say in the light of what you have said. First, beyond expecting a reasonable degree of appropriate good taste, I know of no rules that would keep us from, as you say, 'exploring a mutual relationship. Secondly, can I assume that, based on my first statement, you are inclined to accept the position? And lastly, Mark, I am usually free to leave by 5:00 o'clock - which seems to be the case today. How does all of that sound to you?"
"Well, Miss Williamson, Sandra, I accept the position with great joy and, unless you object, I would like to meet you at 5:00 today to explore the details of the position of Band Director over dinner."

"I really think that would be a very appropriate thing to do, Mark. 5:00 then, at my office?"

1 comment:

  1. What woman wouldn't fall for a guy who would give up a job to be with her? When guys wonder why they can't understand women, this blog should be required reading. :-)
